Service Provider Name
Sandwell Integrated Support Service
Joint community-based service for children and young people who have profound learning disabilities.
Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Crystal House
1-7 Crystal Drive
West Midlands
Post Code
B66 1QG
Where do they provide service from?
In the community
0845 352 8570
0845 352 8575
No email address available
Area covered
Borough of Sandwell
Who is the service for?
The service is for children and young people (from the age of 0 to 25) who have severe and profound learning disabilities, and for families of children and young people who have severe and profound learning disabilities.
Referral route
Anyone who lives in the Borough of Sandwell or who attends a Sandwell school can refer to us. Referrals can come from families themselves or from professionals (a doctor, health visitor, or teacher, for example). Referrals are preferred in writing with as much information as possible.
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
Sandwell Integrated Support Service is made up of six teams: Children with Disabilities Team; Transition Team; Counselling Service;
Early Years Integrated;
Support Service;
Sensory Support Team;
Community Nursing and Psychology Service.

Each of these teams has different ways to support people with different needs or at different times in their lives.

The Community Nursing and Psychology Service supports children and young people who have severe and profound learning disabilities with their physical and mental health needs. They can give support and advice to people who have physical health needs such as epilepsy or sleeping difficulties, and can give someone support and advice if they are having emotional difficulties. They can also give training and advice to schools, professionals, and carers.
When are the services run?
Monday - Friday
Time details
9am - 5pm
Chargeable service?
Total capacity of service
Not applicable
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable