Service Provider Name
Sandwell MBC Appointeeship Unit
Court of Protection Property and Affairs Deputyship and Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Appointee for SMBC Adult Social Care Clients
Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Oldbury Council House
Freeth Street
West Midlands
Post Code
B69 3DE
Where do they provide service from?
Address as above. Postal address is Sandwell MBC Appointeeship Unit, Jack Judge House, PO Box 15888, Halesowen Street, Oldbury, B69 9EN.
0121 569 6139
Area covered
Borough of Sandwell
Who is the service for?
The Appointeeship Unit will deal with the financial affairs of people who: receive a service from Sandwell Adult Social Care; have been assessed as mentally incapable; and have no friends or family who are able or suitable to take on this role for them.
Referral route
Through Sandwell Enquiry or Mental Health Teams
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
If someone is mentally incapable of managing their money, has no friends or family to assist or has been deemed to be at risk of financial abuse, the Appointeeship Unit can take over responsibility for receiving benefits and paying bills, repaying debts and budgeting etc.
When are the services run?
Monday - Friday
Time details
9am - 5pm
The aim of the Appointeeship Unit is to act as a service of last resort for clients who have no family to look after their affairs. We will keep them safe by ensuring that they are adequately housed/looked after, all bills are paid and they have sufficient money in their pocket for everyday living expenses. We will manage their benefits, pensions and other income in accordance with both DWP and Court of Protection rules and regulations.
Chargeable service?
Yes, Court of Protection Local Authority Administration charges apply
Total capacity of service
Not applicable
Transport Provided
Not applicable
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable