Service Provider Name
Sandwell Visually Impaired (SVI) a user-led organisation
Information and support for visually impaired people and associates.
SVI Office
West Bromwich Town Hall
Lodge Road
West Bromwich
West Midlands
Post Code
B70 8DY
Where do they provide service from?
Address as above
0121 525 4810
Contact position
Visual Impairment Development Worker
Area covered
Borough of Sandwell
Who is the service for?
SVI serves the visually impaired population of Sandwell, their families and friends. If your life has been affected by sight loss it is not necessary to be registered as severely visually impaired to access their services. Some of their funded projects are criteria restricted so please contact them for more details.
Referral route
Referral via agency or self referral.
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
A peer lead service for visually impaired people. Providing information, support, leisure and social activities, campaigning locally and nationally to improve services for people living with sight loss. SVI also provides Visual Impairment Awareness training and a range of project based activities, including recording and distribution of the Sandwell Talking Newspaper.
When are the services run?
Monday - Friday
Time details
9am - 5pm
To provide support and peer advocacy services for blind and visually impaired people, their families and carers in Sandwell. In particular but not exclusively by the assistance in the provision of advice, education, information and support to enable increased independence and life opportunities.
Chargeable service?
Tha majority of services provided to members and visually impaired people are free but awareness training and consultation services are chargeable.
Total capacity of service
SVI serves the registered visually impaired population of Sandwell and their families and friends. Some of our funded projects are criteria restricted. Contact for more details.
Transport Provided
Transport costs are covered for some of our activities.
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable