Service Provider Name
Shiloh Community Centre (SCC)
Community centre
c /o Shiloh Apostolic Church
Lodge Road
West Bromwich
West Midlands
Post Code
B70 8NY
Where do they provide service from?
Address as above
0121 553 1213
Contact position
Chair Shiloh Community Centre
Contact's mobile number
07940 706742
Area covered
Borough of Sandwell
Who is the service for?
Multiple groups
Referral route
Word of mouth, advertising, networking with other groups in Sandwell
Specific ethnic group?
The specialist group is Caribbean although all groups are welcome
Summary of services
To host activities which improve the well being and links between the Shiloh Community Centre(SCC) and the Sandwell Community in line with the SCC aims and objectives. There are a variety of rooms are available to hire, please see the details below.
Time details
Please call to book a room.
To promote the development of the residents of West Bromwich and the surrounding areas of Sandwell in a common effort to advance activities in the interest of education, social welfare, health, recreation and the economy with the objective of improving the conditions and lifestyle of the local community.
Chargeable service?
Cost of service
Available on request
Means tested
Total capacity of service
Capacity in two ground floor rooms: Room one 29 theatre style, 16 boardroom style; Room two 26 theatre style and 20 boardroom style; (both £8.00 per hour), Room three: 100 theatre Style; 80 cafe style or 150 party style (£120.00 or £13.50 per hour).
Transport Provided
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable