Service Provider Name
Soho/Victoria Friends & Neighbours Community Interest Company
"For the community, By the community, Of the community" a community led scheme to build a sense of neighbourliness and support vulnerable residents, by - arranging services and support to improve residents` quality of life, and by the use of a network of voluntary "Community Supporters" who give support to stay healthy, independent and safe, and may (over time) help to reduce the amount of any paid care required.
c/o The Learning Works
Unett Street
West Midlands
Post Code
B66 3SY
Where do they provide service from?
Address as above
0121 532 2013 / 2011
No website available
Contact position
Alternative email contact
Area covered
The Smethwick Soho Victoria Ward
Who is the service for?
Vulnerable residents living in Soho Victoria ward and their carers, families and supporters. These include elderly people, people with disabilities and/or mental health conditions - anyone who needs support. "Community Supporters" form a network who voluntarily support the vulnerable people, and they do not have to be residents of Soho Victoria. All are police checked and trained.
Referral route
Anyone can make a referral by telephone or email using the above details.
Specific ethnic group?
No - anyone in need can ask for support
Summary of services
'Friends and Neighbours' is a new initiative, designed in Sandwell to support local residents, especially the most vulnerable, at neighbourhood level.We build a sense of community and neighbourliness through a network of voluntary Community Supporters who will work alongside existing groups to support local people. We support vulnerable people in our neighbourhood by complementing the provision of "traditional" care services. We will work with individual residents to identify their needs and improve their quality of life through developing individually tailored "Living Plans" such providing basic assistance with shopping, accessing social activities, dealing with agencies etc.
We support local people to access new opportunities for employment, enterprise and training through partnerships and by the work we create in supporting vulnerable people in our community. We will work closely with agencies to create local facilities where people can receive information, advice and support in finding employment, training, enterprise and volunteering opportunities. .
We seek to improve the local physical area by ensuring that the ideas and suggestions of local residents are taken to decision makers. Soho/Victoria Friends & Neighbours have three representatives on Smethwick Delivery Board working closely with Sandwell MBC in moving the Windmill Eye Neighbourhood Plan forward.
When are the services run?
Depends on Community Supporter availability and needs - there are currently 30 Community Supporters.
Time details
Depends on volunteer availability and needs
Chargeable service?
Total capacity of service
Depends on volunteer availability and needs
Transport Provided
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable