Service Provider Name
The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)
RNIB is the leading UK charity for blind and partially sighted people.
105 Judd Street
Post Code
Where do they provide service from?
RNIB have offices throughout the UK, 3 specialist educational facilities and residential homes.
0303 123 9999
No email address available
Area covered
All of the UK
Who is the service for?
Blind and partially sighted people and their carers in the UK
Referral route
Varies according to each service. Call the helpline for information.
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
RNIB is a charity and we have three clear priorities: stopping people losing their sight unnecessarily, supporting blind and partially sighted people to live independently and creating an inclusive society. We listen, campaign, work energetically with others and show what can be achieved. Our work includes: 1. Campaigning to ensure proven treatments for sight-threatening conditions are available on the NHS. 2. Offering emotional and practical support, products to make life easier and advice about money, eye health and local services. 3. Improving educational opportunities for blind and partially sighted children and adults, including those with complex needs. 4. Enabling people with sight loss to retain and gain jobs. 5. Working with transport operators, retailers and banks to enable more people with sight loss to travel, shop and run their own finances. 6. Influencing partners across the world to make computers, television, mobile phones and satellite navigation systems easier to use for people with sight loss.
When are the services run?
Time details
A world where people who are blind and partially sighted enjoy the same rights, responsibilities, opportunities and quality of life as people who are sighted.
Chargeable service?
Cost of service
Total capacity of service
Not applicable
Transport Provided
Not applicable
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable