Service Provider Name
ThroughCare Housing & Support
Housing and support for vulnerable people
164B Oxhill Road
Handsworth Wood
West Midlands
Post Code
B21 8EP
Where do they provide service from?
Address above and hostel accommodation
0121 554 3920
0121 551 4139
Contact position
Area covered
West Midlands
Who is the service for?
Vulnerable people, homeless, 16+, male & female, victims of domestic violence and forced marriages, families, people out of NASS (National Asylum Support Service) e.t.c
Referral route
Council, NHS, 3rd party organisations like Police, Homeless team and other service providers
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
Housing and supporting people who are vulnerable and have become homeless for various reason and providing the best possible service and prevent the homeless situation from occurring again.
When are the services run?
Monday - Saturday
Time details
9.30am - 6pm Monday to Friday and 10am - 2pm Saturday plus out of office hours emergency calls
Best Service Provider - To provide quality housing and support through a proven system of quality key working delivered by staff we believe are the best. Improve Lives - To develop individuals to promote independence and empowerment in order for them to live with sustainability, passion and drive. Equal Opportunities - To welcome diversity amongst our service users staff and promote an integrated multicultural diverse environment. We welcome all regardless of colour, race, religion, nationality, ethnic or national origins, marital status, gender, sexuality, disability or age whether service user or employee. Positive Contribution To Society - To promote positive contribution to society from service users by empowering them to live independently, access employment, integrate within the community. Strong Emphasis On Outcomes - To implement strategies heavily focused on achieving goals directly from service users. To provide guidance, facilitation in order to enable our client group to find answers for themselves and become driven to find solutions they previously found impossible. It is our vision to be the best provider of accommodation and support services for those seeking shelter.
Chargeable service?
Cost of service
We charge only for exempt accommodation rate at £122 per week
Total capacity of service
18 rooms presently
Transport Provided
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable