Service Provider Name
Travel Assistance Service (TAS)
SEND Home to school transport, the Children’s Trust (Looked After Childrens) transport and out of Borough transport for the Adults LD service transport provided by procured external taxi and minibus operators. Due to the continued disruption caused by COVID-19, our staff are working from home at present. For any enquiries, please use the email address – this inbox is manned as usual so your enquiry will reach the relevant TAS officer. For further enquiries, you are able to contact the TAS team on the following phone numbers - Dee Watson – 07392 285 423 / Jagdeep Tiwana – 07392 285 414 / Joann Hodgetts – 07825 098 219 / Karen Beaumont – 07392 285 405 / Rina Virdi – 07392 285 412 / Robert Shenstone – 07392 285 426 / Sabby Gakhal – 07760 172 015. Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. You can find further guidance about Covid-19 travel at the web link below.
Sandwell Council House
Freeth Street
West Midlands
Post Code
B69 3DE
Where do they provide service from?
Address as above
As all staff are currently working from home, please contact them via email, or on the mobile phone numbers listed above
Contact position
Any member of the TAS Team
Area covered
Inside and outside the Borough of Sandwell
Who is the service for?
School contracts, Looked After Children (contracts on behalf of the Children’s Trust) and out of borough Adults LD Service.
Referral route
Completed Travel Assistance Request form completed by Schools with parents, with authorisation from a SEND case worker (Special educational needs and disability service – Education) Forms CC118/119 completed by social workers for social care contracts – Looked after children. Completion of the relevant paperwork by social workers: Adults: SS41a/b (External Operator); SS42 (Internal Fleet).
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
SEND Home to school transport, the Children’s Trust (Looked After Childrens) transport and out of Borough transport for the Adults LD service transport provided by procured external taxi and minibus operators.Due to the continued disruption caused by COVID-19, our staff are working from home at present. For any enquiries, please use the email address – this inbox is manned as usual so your enquiry will reach the relevant TAS officer. For further enquiries, you are able to contact the TAS team on the following phone numbers - Dee Watson – 07392 285 423 / Jagdeep Tiwana – 07392 285 414 / Joann Hodgetts – 07825 098 219 / Karen Beaumont – 07392 285 405 / Rina Virdi – 07392 285 412 / Robert Shenstone – 07392 285 426 / Sabby Gakhal – 07760 172 015. Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time.
When are the services run?
Monday – Friday
Time details
07.30- 17.00
Passenger transport.
Chargeable service?
Cost of Children/young people’s services is provided by the SEND service and Children’s Trust. Cost to Adult service users is normally included with the day centre fees otherwise rechargeable through the service areas.
Cost of service
Sandwell Approved List
Approved Operators List available upon request