Service Provider Name
West Bromwich Hockey Club
A local club which provides coaching, playing opportunities and support in the community
Aston University Recreation Centre
Birmingham Road
Great Barr
Post Code
B43 7AJ
Where do they provide service from?
The main pitch is based at Aston University Recreation Centre. They also work in other local schools. This is also the location of their main club house for club meetings, team selection and on match days, for after match tea.
0121 204 4625
No fax number available but there is also a 'contact' link on the website.
Contact's mobile number
07722 961324
Area covered
West Bromwich and surrounding areas
Who is the service for?
All players, new and old, and will accommodate all abilities. Minimum age 7 years.
Referral route
Please call, text, email or visit the website.
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
West Bromwich hockey club are a very friendly and welcoming club for all ages and abilities. It is Club First Accredited which makes it a place of excellence, with qualified coaching and providing a safe environment for children.
When are the services run?
See below
Time details
Season coaching/training times: Juniors (7 - 16) Saturdays 9am – 10.15am; (Sept through to July).Seniors Tuesdays 7pm - 8pm. (Sept to April)Match days are on Saturday between September and April. Summer training for Juniors (7-16) Saturdays 10am -12am @ Sandwell Academy, Halfords Lane, West BromwichFor more information on season dates, fixtures, matches and events please see the website.
Established in 1885 this is one of the oldest hockey clubs in the country. Their primary objectives are to enable members to meet together and play hockey and to foster and encourage the playing of hockey in Sandwell/West Bromwich and its locality/community in an enjoyable, sociable and friendly environment.
Chargeable service?
Cost of service
For season registration fees, match fees and coaching/training charges please see the website.
Means tested
Total capacity of service
Not applicable
Transport Provided
No but petrol money may be paid for matches outside of the area. Please see the website for full details. Mini Bus is used for Badger away games.
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable