Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982
There are currently 2 types of 'establishment' :
- A sex shop
- A sex cinema
A third type has been introduced Sexual Entertainment Venues, more information on these premises can be found below.
A sex shop usually sells magazines, videos and other articles of a 'sexual' nature. A sex cinema shows films of a 'sexual' nature.
Powers are given to the Council to control this type of establishment through license conditions. These regulate the opening hours, the location, the outward appearance of the premises and even the operating name of the business.
If you require further information, please contact the General Licensing Team:
General Licensing Team, Sandwell Council House, PO Box 2374, Oldbury B69 3DE
email: licensing_team@sandwell.gov.uk
Sexual Entertainment Venues
A 3rd Category of Sex Establishment has now been introduced which requires premises providing sexual entertainment to be licensed as a Sex Establishment in order to operate from premises within Sandwell, this includes premises such as lap dancing establishment , clubs providing striptease shows and may also include pubs with topless barmaids for instance.
Sexual Entertainment Licensing Fees