Sandwell Council is delivering nearly £4.5million of improvements this financial year to parks and green spaces across the borough’s six towns.

This includes investment to more than 40 play areas, 10 major green space projects, 10 nature reserves, seven BMX/skate parks and nine outdoor gyms. New play facilities have also opened at Laybourne Park in Tipton.

In addition, two multi-use games areas (MUGAs) and gates at more than 40 play areas are benefiting from refurbishment, with 60 bins in parks and open spaces also being repaired and refurbished.

In June 2022, the council’s Cabinet approved a three-year Green Spaces Strategy, including a planned programme for works to be completed by the end of March 2023.

The £4.45million programme is made up of £2.11m of council funding – an extra £700,000 of investment to the amount originally outlined in the strategy – and £2.34m from external funding streams.

Go to the council's green spaces works webpage for the full programme of works and list of projects for 2022/2023 financial year.

You can also read updates on how the council is making progress on wider objectives in the Green Spaces Strategy. This includes strengthening the role of Friends groups in the development, management and maintenance of parks, improving accessibility and use of green spaces to boost health, and increasing educational activities and access to nature for children and young people.

Councillor Laura Rollins, Sandwell Council’s cabinet member for culture and tourism, said: “We’re committed to investing in our fabulous parks and green spaces across Sandwell’s six towns, improving the quality and range of facilities they offer.

“It’s great to see the progress being made on the programme we announced in the summer – and that we’re expecting to make even more improvements this year than initially planned.

“I am particularly pleased we’re improving our existing play areas, providing new play equipment and creating one brand-new play area. These are spaces that will be enjoyed by children across Sandwell, where they can have fun, be physically active and make new friends.”

Councillor Rollins added: “With so many green spaces and facilities to look after – more than 500 in total across Sandwell, our annual programme of works is a way to share with residents what we can commit to each year for maintenance, improvements and major projects.

“Our works programme is supported by council funding and a variety of external funding streams.

“We’re also working closely with residents, volunteer Friends groups, community groups, businesses, schools and colleges, developing improvement plans for all green spaces in Sandwell.”

The 2022/23 works programme includes the following investment:

  • £987K at more than 40 play areas
  • £431K on a range of green spaces improvements
  • £303K at 10 nature reserves
  • £234K on outdoor sports facilities

This year’s programme also includes works being delivered as part of ongoing, specially-funded projects for Britannia Park, Hateley Cross, West Smethwick Park, Black Patch Park and Lightwoods House and Park.

Published: Thursday, 1st December 2022