The Green Spaces Strategy approved by Sandwell Council's Cabinet in June 2022 set out an ambitious programme of works, and a commitment to keep residents informed of progress.

Laybourne Park Tipton


Sandwell Council has now announced the latest round of improvements in 2022/2023 financial year to Green Spaces is now concluding.

As part of its Green Spaces Programme for 2022/23, Sandwell invested over £4 million from a mix of council and external funding in parks, play areas, outdoor sports facilities and nature reserves. This included:

  • Significant refurbishments and improvements to 41 play areas, with over £900,000 of investment, including one brand new play area.
  • Repairs and improvements to 7 BMX and Skate Parks, with over £100,000 of investment.
  • Repairs and improvements to all outdoor gym equipment, and easy-gates to keep our play areas safe.
  • Over £430,000 of improvements to parks and smaller green spaces.
  • Over £300,000 of improvements to all 10 nature reserves and natural green space sites.

The sites that were chosen were those that required further to improve the quality of their green space. Work included the installation of new play equipment, resurfacing of play areas, equipment repairs and landscape. Work has also taken place this year on some major green space funded projects including:

  • £620,000 for the new Sandwell Urban Bike Track in partnership with Sport England and Birmingham Council.
  • A new pavilion and completion of a £5.2 million project at West Smethwick Park, in partnership with National Lottery Heritage Fund.
  • Securing £86,000 of levelling up funding for improvements to Black Patch Park.
  • Securing £140,000 of funding from English Cricket Board to improve cricket provision in Sandwell. 

Councillor Laura Rollins, Sandwell Council’s Cabinet Member for Leisure and Tourism, said: “The Green Spaces Strategy sets out an ambitious programme of improvements to all of our green spaces in Sandwell.  This year our focus has been on the immediate improvements to play areas, parks, and outdoor sports facilities. These are important places for our children to have somewhere safe, pleasant and attractive to play, meet up with friends and be active, and the whole community to enjoy open space.

“The improvements to these sites mean that they can continue to be green spaces for community life for many more years to come.”

These improvements are just part of Sandwell’s plan and strategy to improve its Green Spaces.

Published: Tuesday, 21st March 2023