Sandwell Council is launching a year-long campaign encouraging residents to volunteer as school governors across borough.
The campaign will highlight how, by giving up a few hours of their time each month, governors can play an important role in the community and help to ensure that all children receive the education they deserve.
Meeting regularly, governors look at the at the big picture and long-term goals for a school. They set the values and culture and respond to the opportunities and challenges facing a school. You don’t need to be an expert in education, or have any children yourself. We just need enthusiastic people to commit their time and bring their life experience to the role. It’s really rewarding – you’ll develop skills and receive training to be effective.
If you are a local employer, encouraging your staff to volunteer as a school governor is a great way of connecting with the community and helping staff to obtain valuable professional experience that they can bring back to your workplace.
There are a range of opportunities to govern at schools in Sandwell. To find out more and apply to be a school governor
Councillor Simon Hackett, Sandwell Council’s Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education, said: "Young people are the future of Sandwell and I see first-hand the impact governors have on improving educational outcomes and giving the best start in life to children and young people of Sandwell. There is so much to be gained from governing. We need more volunteers from different backgrounds, who can bring their experience and perspective to support our schools to thrive. If you’re over 18 and willing to devote some of your time, please do apply”.