Every year we publish information on all grants to voluntary and community sector organisations and social enterprises that exceed £500.

A grant is the payment of money without the expectation of goods or services in return. Grant funding focuses on supporting the funded organisation to provide its own services and so, the ultimate responsibility for providing grant funded services is with the organisation receiving the grant. A grant is usually provided subject to conditions that state how the grant can be used with the requirement that grant funding is to be used for goods, services and activities that contribute to the council’s priorities.

For a voluntary and community sector organisation to receive a grant from the council it will need to be able to demonstrate it is all of the following:

To receive a grant all voluntary and community sector organisations will need to be able to demonstrate that they are all of the following:


  • actively delivering services in Sandwell or undertaking activities for the benefit of Sandwell Communities
  • have a voluntary governing body with at least 3 local people (ideally unrelated) on that body
  • non-party political and non-governmental
  • value driven, having objectives for the social good
  • independent of funders
  • principally reinvest any financial surpluses in activities or assets that bring a significant community benefit to Sandwell
  • operate on the basis of being wholly not-for-profit.  Any surpluses will be retained and reinvested for community benefit and not distributed for personal (individual) or private gain


The council’s published grant information contains:

  • period grant awarded
  • grant amount
  • grant description
  • directorate/service area awarding the grant
  • grant recipient
  • organisation type (for example charity, community interest company)

Please note that all grant payments that exceed £500 will also be included in the council’s information on all expenditure exceeding £500.


Download grants to voluntary and community sector organisations and social enterprises