Core Document List 

1.1 Birmingham & Black Country Wildlife Trust response

1.2 NHS Black Country Integrated Care Bard response

1.3 SCC Lead Local Flood Authority response

1.4 SMBC Employment and Skills response

1.5 SMBC Highways response

1.6 SMBC Planning Policy response

1.7 SMBC Public Health (air quality) response

1.8 SMBC Public Health (contaminated land) response

1.9 SMBC Urban Design response

1.10 Walsall MBC Conservation response

1.11 Walsall MBC Planning Policy response

1.12 West Midlands Police response

2.1 Black Country Core Strategy 2006-2026, 2011

2.1a Black Country Core Strategy Appendix 1 &3-9

2.1b Black country Core Strategy Appendix 2

2.2 Report on the Examination into the Black Country Core Strategy Development Plan Document, October 2010

2.3 National Planning Policy Framework, December 2023

2.4 National Planning Practice Guidance, February 2024 (Housing and Economic Needs Assessment, Housing Supply and Delivery, Green Belt)

2.5 Site Allocations and Delivery Development Plan Document, December 2012

2.6 Report on the Examination into the Sandwell Site Allocations and Delivery and the West Bromwich Area Action Plan Development Plan Documents, September 2012

2.7 Sandwell Site Allocations and Delivery Development Plan Policies Map

3.1 Sandwell Local Plan- Regulation 18 Draft, December 2023

3.2 Regulation 18 version of the draft policies map for the Sandwell Local Plan

3.3 The Sustainability Appraisal for the regulation 18 version of the draft Sandwell Local Plan

3.4 The Site Assessment Report for the regulation 18 version of the draft Sandwell Local Plan including Appendix D (site proformas) – Peakhouse Farm (the appeal site)

4.1 Appeal Decision: Land off North Road, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 7AX, Appeal Ref: 2205644, June 2014

4.2 Appeal Decision: Land east of Knightcote Road, Bishops Itchington, Warwickshire CV47 2SP, Appeal Ref: 3133319, June 2016

4.3 Appeal Decision: Langton Road, Norton, Appeal Ref. 3136237 and 3136233, July 2016

4.4 Appeal Decision: Land east of Park Lane, Coalpit Heath, South Gloucestershire, Appeal Ref. 3191477, September 2018

4.5 Appeal Decision: North Worcestershire Gold Club Ltd, Hanging Lane, Birmingham, Appeal Ref. 3192918, July 2019

4.6 Appeal Decision: Land at Purton Road, Swindon, Wiltshire, Appeal Ref. 3202551, April 2020

4.7 Appeal Decision: Oxford Brookes University, Wheatley, Appeal Ref. 3230827, April 2020

4.8 Appeal Decision: Land Off Bullens Green Lane, Colney Heath, Appeal Ref. 3265925, June 2021

4.9 Appeal Decision: Land at Heath Cottage, Cuttmill Road, Shackleford, Godalming, Appeal Ref: 3272739 and 3272740, September 2021

4.10 Appeal Decision: Land off Pump Lane, Rainham, Kent, Appeal Ref: 3259868, November 2021

4.11 Appeal Decision: Land at Brook Meadows, Tiptree, Colchester, Appeal Ref: 3301862, December 2022

4.12 Appeal Decision: Land at Purton Road, Swindon, Appeal Ref: 3275053, November 2023

4.13 Appeal Decision: Land at Sondes Place Farm, Westcott Road, Dorking, Appeal Ref. 3324361, November 2023

4.14 Appeal Decision: Land rear of 17-49 Church Lane, Sarratt, Hertfordshire, Appeal Ref: 3311477 and 3311479, May 2024

4.15 Solihull MBC v Gallagher Estates Limited and Lioncourt Homes ([2014] EWCA Civ 1610)

4.16 R. v Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council ex p. Milne (CO/292/2000) (July 2020)

4.17 Appeal Decision: land to the south of Chilvester Hill, Calne, Wiltshire, Appeal Ref: 3275477, November 2021

4.18 Wildie, R (on the application of Wildie) v Wakefield MDC [2013] EWHC 2769 (Admin)

4.19 Appeal Decision: Land lying east of Hartfield Avenue and fronting on to Barnet Lane, Elstree, Herefordshire, Appeal Ref: 3329947, March 2024

4.20 Appeal Decision: Weathersfield Road, Finchingfield, Appeal Ref: 3172575, October 2017

4.21 Appeal Decision: Land east of Knowle Lane, Cranleigh, Appeal Ref: 3326412, January 2024

4.22 Appeal Decision: Lower Weybourne Lane, Badshot Lea, Farnham, Appeal Ref: 3310793, May 2023

5.1 Decision Notice, January 2024

5.2 Delegated Officer Report, January 2024

5.3 Email notification of results of Local Sites Assessment Report to landowner’s agent on 30/04/2019

6.1 ‘Big Plans for a Great Place: The Sandwell Plan’ 2021-2025

6.2 Birmingham & Black Country Local Sites Assessment Report – Peakhouse Farm

6.3 Birmingham and Black Country Local Wildlife & Geological Site – Guidance for Selection – September 2018

6.4 Black Country and South Staffordshire Strategic Housing Market Assessment SHMA 2017 Part 2

6.5 Black Country and South Staffordshire Strategic Housing Market Assessment SHMA 2021

6.6 Black Country Green Belt Study, September 2019

6.6a Black Country Green Belt Study- Appendix 2

6.6b Black Country Green Belt Study- Appendix 3

6.7 Black Country Landscape Sensitivity Assessment, 2019

6.7a Black Country Landscape Sensitivity Assessment- Sandwell Parcels

6.8 Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2022-24

6.9 Housing Strategy 2023-2028

6.10 Landscape institute Technical Guidance Note 02-2021 – Assessing Landscape Value Outside National Designations, 2021

6.11 LPA Statement of Case, May 2024

6.12 Natural England Profile National Character (NCA) 67 ‘Cannock Chase and Cank Wood

6.13 Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document 2015

6.14 Regeneration Strategy 2022

6.15 Sandwell Authority Monitoring Report 2021/22

6.16 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, October 2023

6.17 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, May 2024

6.18 The Black Country, An Historic Landscape Characterisation, The Black Country Archaeology Service, 2009

6.19 Guideline for Landscape and Visual Assessment 3rd Edition, Landscape Institute and IEMA, 2013

6.20 Visual Representation of Development Proposals, Landscape Institute Technical Guidance Note 06/19, Landscape Institute, 2019

6.21 Black Country Historic Landscape Characterisation Study, Oxford Archaeology, 2019

6.22 Sandwell Housing Delivery Test- Action Plan 2019

6.23 Sandwell Housing Delivery Test- Action Plan 2020

6.24 Sandwell Housing Delivery Test- Action Plan 2021

6.25 Sandwell Housing Delivery Test- Action Plan 2022

6.26 Sandwell Housing Delivery Test- Action Plan 2023 (not yet endorsed by members)

6.27 'Bleak Houses: Tackling the Crisis of Family Homelessness in England'; Children's Commissioner, August 2019

6.28 'Denied the Right to a Safe Home – Exposing the Housing Emergency'; Shelter, May 2021

6.29 Birmingham and Black Country Nature Improvement Area, 2017-22

6.30 Black Country Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document, 2016

6.31 Building for Life Supplementary Planning Document, 2011

6.32 Residential Design Guide, 2014

6.33 Sandwell Green Spaces Implementation and Business Plan 22/23 – 25/26

6.34 Sandwell Green Space Audit Borough Report 2019 Vol.1

6.35 Sandwell Green Space Audit Borough Report 2019 Vol.2 (appendices)

6.36 West Bromwich Green Space Audit Town Report 2019

6.37 Walsall Open Space, Sport & Recreational Facilities Audit & Assessment (February 2011)

6.38 Birmingham and Black Country Local Sites Partnership Minutes 09/04/2019

6.39 Sandwell Cabinet Report 07/08/2019

6.40 Sandwell Cabinet Minutes 07/08/2019

6.41 Extract from Staffordshire Tithe Map 1841

6.42 Extract from Plan of the Lordship of Great Barr in the County of Stafford (1830) Birmingham Archive Ref. Jewel Baillie 428 - MS 20/B/12/12/1

6.43 Extract from Plan of the Lordship of Great Barr in the County of Stafford (1830) - date stamp

6.44 Appellant Statement of Case

6.45 Guiding Principles for Historic Landscape Characterisation, Historic England

6.46 Black Country Local Nature Recovery map and strategy: an emerging approach, Wildlife Trust, March 2022

6.47 Update Grassland Survey Technical Note, FPCR, May 2024

6.48 Interspecific cohabitation of maternity colonies of Nyctalus noctula and Myotis daubentonii (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in a single roost feature in the West Midlands, UK. Journal of Bat Research and Conservation, 2023

6.49 Exposure to Artificial Light at Night and the Consequences for Flora, Fauna, and Ecosystems, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2020

7.1 Planning Statement (Turley, October 2023)

7.2 Application Form and Ownership Certificates (October 2023)

7.3 Design and Access Statement (FPCR, October 2023)

7.4 Air Quality Assessment (BWB, October 2023)

7.5 Arboricultural Assessment (inc. Tree Survey) (FPCR, October 2023)

7.6 P1 Archaeological and Heritage Impact Assessment (EDP, October 2023)

7.6 P2  Archaeological and Heritage Impact Assessment (EDP, October 2023)

7.6 P3 Archaeological and Heritage Impact Assessment (EDP, October 2023)

7.6 P4  Archaeological and Heritage Impact Assessment (EDP, October 2023)

7.7 P1 Coal Mining Risk Report and Plan (GPP, October 2023)

7.7 P2 Coal Mining Risk Report and Plan (GPP, October 2023)

7.8 P1  Ecological Impact Assessment (FPCR, March 2022)

7.8 P2  Ecological Impact Assessment (FPCR, March 2022)

7.9 EcIA Appendix A- Ecological Assessment FINAL v2

7.10 EcIA Appendix B- Habitat Survey

7.11 EcIA Appendix C- Static Detector Result Full

7.12 EcIA Appendix D- Cover FULL

7.13 EcIA Appendix E- Habitat Suitability Index

7.14 EcIA Appendix F- eDNA results FULL


7.16 BNG Technical Note (FPCR, October 2023)

7.17 Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan (FPCR, November 2023)

7.18 EIA Screening Report (Turley, October 2023)

7.19 P1 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy (PJA, October 2023)

7.19 P2 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy (PJA, October 2023)

7.19 P3 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy (PJA, October 2023)

7.20 Landscape Visual Assessment (FPCR, October 2023)

7.21 LVA Appendix A- Criteria GLVIA3

7.22 LVA Appendix B- Landscape Effects Table

7.23 LVA Appendix C- Visual Effects Table

7.24 LVA Figures 1-7

7.25 LVA Figures 8-14

7.26 LVA Figure 15

7.27 Minerals Resource Assessment (GPP, October 2023)

7.28 Noise Report (BWB, October 2023)

7.29 P1 Phase 1 Geo-Environmental Report (CGL Midlands, September 2023)

7.29 P2 Phase 1 Geo-Environmental Report (CGL Midlands, September 2023)

7.29 P3 Phase 1 Geo-Environmental Report (CGL Midlands, September 2023)

7.29 P4 Phase 1 Geo-Environmental Report (CGL Midlands, September 2023)

7.30 Statement of Community Engagement (Turley, October 2023)

7.31 P1 Transport Assessment (PJA, October 2023)

7.31 P2 Transport Assessment (PJA, October 2023)

7.32 Travel Plan (PJA, October 2023)

7.33 Location Plan (ref: J000-100 D)

7.34 Development Framework Plan (ref: 09364-FPCR-XX-ZZ-DR-L-0010 P11)

7.35 Illustrative Masterplan (ref: 09364-FPCR-XX-ZZ-DR-L-0012 P07)

7.36 Building Height Parameters (ref: 09364-FPCR-XX-ZZ-DR-L-0013 P01)

7.37 Access General Arrangement (ref: 07381-CI-A-0001 P02)

7.38 Geometry Plan (ref: 07381-CI-A-0002 P02)

7.39 Swept Path Analysis 4.5t Panel Van (ref: 07381-CI-A-0012 P02)

7.40 Swept Path Analysis car (ref: 07381-CI-A-0010 P02)

7.41 Swept Path Analysis Fire Tender (ref: 07381-CI-A-0011 P02)

7.42 Swept Path Analysis Refuse Vehicle (ref: 07381-CI-A-0013 P02)

7.43 Swept Path Analysis Removals Van (ref: 07381-CI-A-0014 P02)

7.44 Draft Heads of Terms

Affordable Housing Proof of Evidence 070624

Appendices JRO1 to JRO4

Landscape Appendices Gary Holliday Part 1 of 2

Landscape Appendices Gary Holliday Part 2 of 2

Landscape proof Gary Holliday

Part 1. Land North of Wilderness Lane. Great Barr. Main Ecology PoE

Part 2. Land North of Wilderness Lane. Great Barr. App 1. Update BNG Ecology PoE

Part 3. Land North of Wilderness Lane. Great Barr. App 1. Update BNG Ecology PoE

Part 4. Land North Of Wilderness Lane. Great Barr. App 2 Grassland Review Ecology PoE

Part 5. Land North of Wilderness Lane. Great Barr. App 3 to 5. Ecology PoE

Planning Balance Appendices

Planning Balance PoE (final)

Planning Balance Supplementary PoE

Sandwell Housing Delivery and Housing Land Supply Evidence - Final June 2024 COMBINED

Core Document 4.23- 52 and Land Rear of 28-74 Ragged Hall Lane Chiswell Green

Core Document 4.24- R v Harborough DC v Leicestershire CC