Fees and charges
Payment for your application can be made by:-
Telephone - please contact our Customer Services Team who will be happy to take your details and get our secure payment line to call you for all debit/credit card payments
By BACS (Bankers Automated Clearing System) Our bank details are:-
Account name: Sandwell MBC
Sort Code: 60-15-39
Account number: 69624178
(Please reference your payment with your application number or the location address of your submission). Can we ask that once payment has been made that you email building_consultancy@sandwell.gov.uk with the date of payment, amount paid, application reference (if known) and payment reference. These details are required to ensure we can find your payment and enable us to process your application further.
Please note that if you are applying for a Section 80(2) Notice of Intention to Demolish, there will be an administration charge of £120.00 from 1st January 2025.