Pre-application process

We offer a fee charging pre-application advice service for householder, new residential dwellings, commercial and industrial development. Our service includes written advice from one of our planning officers with advice and input from some of our technical consultees when required. Final written comments are passed on to the enquirer on or before 4 weeks from when the proposal is made valid. Timescales may be different in agreement with the enquirer/applicant.

Advice will be given by a Planning Officer. Pre-Planning advice cannot guarantee that a Planning Application will be approved. This is because the Planning Office may not be aware of all issues at this stage and won’t be able to consider any comments or responses that are made once a formal planning application is submitted.

What to include with your pre-application submission

The more information that you can provide to us as part of your pre-application, the more helpful and specific our advice can be. We encourage you to provide at least some of the following:

  • A location plan scaled at 1:1250
  • A sketch plan including a minimum of floor plans and elevations
  • A site plan – preferred at 1:500 scales
  • A full description of the proposed works
  • Additional information in support of the enquiry.

Please note that the pre application charges are increasing after 31 December 2024.

The guide below provides further details of these increases.

See the guide and advice form for anyone who wants to know if they are likely to get planning permission before they submit a formal planning application. We will assist with submissions and provide general advice but a response will only be given if a pre-application form is submitted and the relevant fee paid.

NB. Following receipt of initial pre-app responses meetings will be held at officer discretion depending on size and nature of the scheme.