Pursuant to Section 129A of the Highways Act 1980, gating orders made by Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council are:
Order No. 1 : The Borough Council of Sandwell (St Luke's Close, Rowley Regis) Gating Order 2007
Came into Operation : 15th March 2007
Order No. 2 : The Borough Council of Sandwell (Kitchener Street, Smethwick) Gating Order 2008
Came into Operation : 26 January 2009
Order No. 3 : The Borough Council of Sandwell (Simon Close, West Bromwich) Gating Order 2008
Came into Operation : 1st April 2009
Order : The Borough Council of Sandwell (Brandhall Court, Oldbury) Gating Order 2010
Came into Operation : 20 May 2010
Order No 4 : The Borough Council of Sandwell (Awefields Crescent, Smethwick) Gating Order 2011
Came into Operation : 20 December 2011
Order No 5 : The Borough Council of Sandwell (Ray Hall Lane, West Bromwich) Gating Order 2012
Came into Operation : 19 January 2012
Order No 6 : The Borough Council of Sandwell (Footpath at Newcomen Drive, Tipton, West Midlands) Gating Order 2014
Came into Operation : 4 September 2014
Order No 7 : The Borough Council of Sandwell (Footpath at St Andrews Drive, Tividale, Rowley Regis, West Midlands) Gating Order 2014
Came into Operation : 4 September 2014
Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014
Please note that with effect from 20 October 2017, the terms of the Gating Orders become the terms of Public Space Protection orders under the provisions of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, which will then continue on the same terms for a maximum of three years.
- Copies of all notices of proposals for the making, variation or revocation (as the case may be) of Gating Orders and copies of Gating Orders made by the Council are available for inspection by prior arrangement with the Council's Legal Services team during normal business hours Monday to Thursday 9.00 a.m to 5.00 p.m. at the Council House, Oldbury. Telephone No: 0121 569 3231. For information on orders and proposed gating orders post May 2014, contact Highway Services on 0121 569 4008.
- For additional information about proposed Gating Orders, please telephone Highway Services on 0121 569 3978.
- Register last updated 4th September 2014.
- The Highways Act 1980 (Gating Orders)(England)Regulations 2006 and Section 129A Highways Act 1980
Tel: 0121 368 1177
Email: highways@sandwell.gov.uk
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 5.30pm.