Together Improving Travel Abilities Now! (TITAN!)

Together Improving Travel Abilities Now!, or TITAN, is an initiative to help children, young people and adults achieve goals, learn and practice new skills, and nurture healthy lifelong habits to become more independent individuals, in preparation for/to support them with, everyday life.

The TITAN initiative helps set the scene for creating/embracing regular opportunities within the learning environment, for individuals to build competencies and confidence in a number of areas to improve their overall independence. Therefore, the TITAN initiative has broad appeal; particularly for individuals with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).

Each individual participating in the TITAN initiative must be considered as a unique and separate person.

There is a gap between an individual’s potential and their actual achievement; the longer we wait to facilitate an individual learning and practising new skills and promoting independence, the more dependent the individual becomes on their existing situation and routine.

This in turn makes them more resistant to changing their habits and increases the likelihood their [later] lives may be reduced, restricted and limited in areas including living options, finding and sustaining employment/education and engaging with recreation and leisure activities.

TITAN teaches valuable skills that can be consistently taught and developed at school that will have a positive impact on how a child progresses throughout their life…just GO4it with TITAN!

What are the benefits for your school?

“6.33-34 A 21st century education should prepare children for adult life by instilling…values that will help them succeed; being resilient and knowing how to persevere, how to bounce back if faced with failure and how to collaborate with others…these traits not only open doors to employment and social opportunities but underpin academic success, happiness and wellbeing”.
Educational Excellence Everywhere (DfE; March 2016)

The TITAN programme provides opportunities for practical learning and helps schools evidence how they are developing a child's social skills and preparing them for their next stage of development and transition into adulthood. Her Majesty’s Inspection (Ofsted HMI) look at how well a school is working in these areas with particular reference to the SEND Code of Practice.

In addition, on Annual Review paperwork, schools will be required to make reference to the TITAN work that a child/young person with a Statement of Educational Needs or Education and Health Care Plan has been undertaking and evidence their progress.

 “Children only get one chance at education and every child deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential…childhood is short and when it comes to a child’s education there’s no time to waste. Access to a great education is not a luxury but a right for everyone.
Nicky Morgan (MP, Previous Secretary of State Education)

Who can participate in the Together Improving Travel Abilities Now! Initiative (TITAN Initiative)?

Anybody over the age of two! TITAN is a fully inclusive programme of study…there is something in it for everybody.

Delivering the TITAN Initiative

The GO4it Travel Training Unit works with ALL schools in Sandwell to run this programme for FREE!

The Together Improving Travel Abilities Now! Initiative (TITAN Initiative) is available to purchase direct for use outside of the Sandwell Borough by individual organisations/Local Authorities.

Please email us to discuss the ITTU visiting your school to discuss TITAN! or visit here to download the what is TITAN! leaflet. 

You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.