Sandwell undertake a programme of planned safety inspections of our pavements or footways to help ensure they are maintained in a safe and accessible condition.

Every mile of Sandwell footway network is subjected to a walked inspection as a minimum once every year, and in some cases every month.

In addition to these inspection programmes Sandwell undertake condition surveys to determine the condition of the footway network.

Sandwell use this data to develop planned maintenance programmes.

Individual schemes within that programme are promoted taking into account risk factors, such as: condition; network hierarchy; accident data; proximity to education; medical and retail establishments; proximity to public transport hubs and cycle routes and aims to target those footways that are in a poor condition and pose the highest risk to pedestrians.

Please see out list for Sandwell’s forward programmes for 2024/25.

The schemes listed below do not necessarily indicate that the whole footway will be treated as some schemes will be only on certain sections of a footway and the schemes may be subject to change as new data is collected.

Report a problem

You can report problems with pavements or footpaths by filling in our online reporting form.

You can also use this form to report issues with grass verges, tree roots, block paving, kerbs and slabs.

Report a problem with a pavement