Latest News, Events and Updates
TfWM Public Consultation: Bus Reform | March 2025
Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) want to hear your views on the future of bus services in the West Midlands.
The consultation is open until 30th March 2025.
Please visit TfWM Bus Reform Consultation to have your say today.
For any questions related to the consultation, please email or call 0345 303 6760.
Bikertek – Motorcycling Safety | March 2025
The latest National Highways campaign raises awareness and educates motorcyclists on how to ride more safely. Motorcyclists make up just 1% of traffic on UK roads but they account for 19% of fatal and serious injuries.
The four most common reasons for motorcycling collisions and serious injuries are:
- Cornering: Read the road ahead and ride at a speed that leaves you enough time to react round a corner.
- Overtaking: Unless it’s 100% safe to overtake, and without speeding, don’t do it.
- Speeding: Manage your speed according to the road, weather conditions and traffic.
- Fatigue: Take regular breaks by getting off the bike, stretching your legs or having a drink now and again helps regain concentration levels. Remember T.R.I.P.
Please visit National Highways and Bikertek to find out more about their campaign and their skills hub.
'For the One I Love' Campaign at Sandwell College | February 2025
On 14th February, Sandwell Council’s Road Safety Team reminded the students at Sandwell College of the potentially catastrophic consequences of inappropriate driving behaviour.
The ‘For the One I Love’ campaign is launched annually around Valentine’s Day and focuses on looking out ‘for the one you love’, e.g., a girlfriend, boyfriend, mates or family members and identifies the terrible consequences for both drivers and passengers when things go wrong.
There was engaging discussion and a visually impactive display with roses representing 242 16–24-year-olds, either as a driver, rider, or passenger, who were fatally or seriously impacted by a road traffic collision in 2023 within Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall and Wolverhampton.
This age group is more likely to be involved in a road traffic collision when compared with all other age groups, due to lack of experience at the wheel, taking more risks and being influenced by friends.
The campaign encourages young drivers and those who plan to drive in the near future to take responsibility for themselves and their passengers. Coping strategies were also provided to encourage passengers to speak out if they find themselves in a situation in a vehicle in which they feel uncomfortable.
Please visit Latest News to find out more about our campaign.
Calling All Key Stage One Staff in Sandwell Schools | 2025
Digital Road Safety is still available completely free of charge for all Sandwell schools. Research shows that children learn road safety best by being immersed in the environment.
Following recognised pedestrian training techniques, children view the roadside from the unique viewpoint of the pedestrian and by looking right and left they are in a tangible situation.
Visit Digital Road Safety and get started!
Coming soon!
A new app-based version with new content for KS1 and Year 6. Why not contact us if you would like to be one of the first to get involved.
Help us to pilot this new exciting resource. For more information email
Advice and News from Our Partners
Have a Safe T.R.I.P. This Spring | March 2025
National Highways wants everyone to have a safe T.R.I.P. this spring as we gear up for road trips, scenic drives and family days out during the Easter holidays.
They remind us of the need to check our vehicles, stay weather-aware, especially heavy rain, late frost or snow, and prioritise driver wellbeing so that we can have safer and more enjoyable journeys.
So, remember T.R.I.P.:
- Top-up: Fill up fuel or check your battery level and check your oil and screen-wash
- Rest: Plan regular stops every two hours to avoid driver fatigue
- Inspect: Check tyre tread and pressure to avoid breakdowns
- Prepare: Check the weather forecast for your route and prepare for severe weather
Please visit National Highways to find out more about their campaign.
'Is Pushing Your Speed Worth It?' | March 2025
The latest 'THINK!' campaign from The Department for Transport encourages young drivers to rethink their speed and highlights the risks of not driving to the correct conditions for the road.
‘THINK!’ remind us that speed related factors account for over half of all fatal road traffic collisions. Unfortunately, young drivers (aged between 17 – 24) are over-represented in these statistics and research shows that certain drivers fail to acknowledge the potential consequences of exceeding the speed limit or not reducing their speed to reflect the conditions they face on the road.
Even familiar roads can throw up the unexpected. When you’re going a little too fast, you have less time to react.
Is Pushing Your Speed Worth It? THINK!
Please visit THINK! to find out more about their campaign.
Record, Report, Result! | West Midlands Police Operation Snap 2025
West Midlands Police want to make sure our roads are as safe as possible for all users, and they need your help with Operation Snap.
Did you know you can now send footage of dangerous drivers to West Midlands Police, so that action can be taken?
Each piece of footage, whether recorded on a dashcam, CCTV or a mobile phone held by a passenger, is reviewed by specially trained staff. If an offence is identified, the driver can be prosecuted or told to take a driver improvement course.
Offences might include:
- dangerous driving
- using a mobile phone while driving
- not wearing a seatbelt
- failing to stop at a red traffic light
- using a trailer in lane three of a motorway
- crossing solid white lines
- other offences where a driver is clearly not in proper control of a vehicle
Thousands of people have already sent in dashcam, helmet cam and mobile footage showing careless and reckless driving that puts lives at risk.
Four in five reports sent in by the public have resulted in a positive outcome, including warning letters, education courses, fixed penalties and prosecution.
Reports must be submitted within 10 days of the alleged offence and footage should include the whole incident (and, wherever possible, one minute prior to and after the offence).
Along with the footage, submissions need to include details about the date, time and location of the incident, and the registration, make and colour of the vehicle.
If you are reporting an incident that involves a collision, please do not use this service. Instead, please call West Midlands Police on 101, select option 1 and provide details within 24 hours of the collision taking place.