We try to make sure that as many pupils as possible are offered places at the school they and their parents want.

However, if we cannot offer your child a place at the school or schools you prefer, you have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel.

You can find out more about the appeals process:

If you are appealing against a decision of an academy, trust, foundation or voluntary aided school you will need to contact the school for information on their appeals procedure.

Appealing for a school place September 2025

School places for September 2025 have now been offered for Year 7.

If you applied for a school place for your child to start in September 2025 and you didn't get the school you wanted, you can appeal against the decision. You can only appeal for schools that were a higher preference and for which you have been refused.

To appeal you can download, complete and post an appeal form or you can appeal the decision online or download the appeal form

Appealing a school transfer decision during the year (Mid-year process)

If you applied to transfer your child to another school during the school year but you were unsuccessful, you can appeal the decision online or download the appeal form.

Please note this online form is only for current mid-year requests and not for appeals for school places starting in September 2024

If you wish to appeal for Sandwell Academy, Stuart Bathurst Catholic High School, Christ Church CE Primary School, Mesty Croft Primary Academy, Silvertrees Academy or St Matthew's CE Primary School please contact the school directly. If you wish to appeal for a school outside Sandwell please contact the relevant local authority directly.

Appeals timetable - the process

For further information regarding school appeals please visit the Democratic Services Unit Website