"World events in the 21st century draw attention to the continuing power and significance of religious belief and other beliefs and philosophies in shaping human minds and communities. An understanding of different faiths and beliefs has never seemed more relevant."
Chris Ward
Director of Education, Skills and Employment
The purpose of Religious Education (RE) is to help pupils reflect upon the experiences and the mysteries of life and the contribution of religious and spiritual dimensions.
Since 1944, all schools have been required to teach RE to all pupils in full time education, except those withdrawn at the request of their parents. The legal requirements concerning RE in England allows for the syllabus to be determined locally and reflects the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian, while taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain.
As RE is not part of the national curriculum, the LA ensures that there is a Standing Advisory Committee on Religious Education (SACRE) which is responsible for the character of RE in Sandwell schools. Under the 1988 Education Act SACRE has a duty to publish and then review every five years an Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education which explains the value and purposes of RE for all pupils and specifies for teachers what shall be taught in each age group. The current Agreed Syllabus (2018-2023) provides a coherent framework for setting high standards of learning in RE and enables pupils to reach their potential in the subject.