Why has STEPS been created?
STEPS is part of Sandwell’s school admissions process and has been created to Safeguard children with EAL who are new to Sandwell. It aims to gather and then disseminate key information about them; including their learning needs and abilities, including EAL and mathematics.
Who is the STEPS Centre for?
The Centre is open during school term time to newly arrived children with EAL, from 9am until 12pm. It has the capacity for 50 children, who are allocated a place in one of the two classrooms: primary and secondary. The children come to the Centre accompanied by their families/carers through the Sandwell Education Directorate’s Admissions procedure. At the interview, family information data will be recorded and an initial baseline assessment for each school-age child will take place.
The curriculum the children will follow is designed around weekly cyclical Literacy units, based on The National Curriculum English programme of study as well as mathematics. Each of the units focuses on a particular element of multi-cultural Britain, with cross-curricular links to other subjects.
Formative assessment is used to identify the learning strengths and needs of each pupil including their EAL level. This information is then shared with schools and other relevant agencies to minimise potential lost learning time and provide an overview of the EAL and mathematics learning needs as well as any other information such as a physical disability or early indications of SEN.
How are school places allocated?
All newly arrived children with EAL have to attend the Centre. A school place will be allocated through the Sandwell’s Fair Access ‘Hard to Place Panel’ which meets every six weeks for Primary, and every three weeks for Secondary.
What happens when a school place has been allocated?
Once a school place has been allocated, a STEPS Centre transition worker supports the child into school by sharing all relevant information with the school, and family. They may accompany the child/young person on their first day to school, and will maintain contact with the child and family for the initial weeks.
What else does the STEPS Centre provide?
The STEPS Centre provides information and short courses for the parents and carers as well as the local community. This is done through multi-agency provision that includes Public Health, Family Centres, Social services and Community Groups. The courses and information will be held at the STEPS Centre as well as the local community.
Building capacity in Sandwell schools – EAL CPD
The STEPS Centre facilitates half-termly network meetings and CPD opportunities for primary and secondary school EAL Coordinators.
The Careers Programme at STEPS
All students at STEPS undertake a programme of Careers Education from Year 7-11 in accordance with section 42A of the Education Act 1997. We aim to help all students achieve their full potential. Our careers programme focuses on raising the aspirations and achievement of individual students and equipping them with skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding as a foundation for managing their lifelong career and learning. Good communication and teamwork underpin activities and support for students. At STEPS the careers programme is delivered through:
• Curriculum topics
• Enrichment Activities
• Information about careers fairs
• The Personal, Social, Health and Education Programme at STEPS
Furthermore, impartial advice and guidance is given to all Year 11 by a Sandwell Connexions Careers Adviser.