You searched for "planning obligations". Results 41 - 50 of about 173

  • Delegated Officer Report

    Nov 3, 2023 ... Planning policy strongly objects to the outline planning application proposals on ... Planning Obligations SPD (2015). Building for Life SPD (2011).


    through planning obligations on development proposals through travel plans. 4.13. The redevelopment of the site should make use of the River Tame, which ...


    obligations; and taking action where necessary to either protect or enhance ... For general planning: For enforcement advice ...

  • Air Quality Action Plan 2009

    This document sets out the work carried out by Sandwell MBC in order to discharge its obligations under Part IV of the Environment Act 1995. This Act ...

  • Heading 9

    Apr 6, 2020 ... conditions and planning obligations, the Council chose not to defend reasons ... Site Allocations Plan Submission Draft Plan (July 2018) as ...

  • Wilderness Lane Public Inquiry

    6.13 Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document 2015 · 6.14 Regeneration Strategy 2022 · 6.15 Sandwell Authority Monitoring Report 2021/22 · 6.16 ...