What is Modern Slavery?
Modern Slavery is a term that covers a multitude of abuse, where an individual is taken advantage of for someone else’s personal, commercial, or criminal gain. Unfortunately, there have been cases of people who have come to work in the care industry in the UK who are experiencing modern slavery.
In Sandwell, we are committed to tackling this by ensuring everyone has the right to:
- Be treated fairly.
- Feel safe and free from threat or exploitation in the workplace.
- Fair working conditions as set out in UK law.
Common indicators of Modern Slavery
- Had to pay fees during recruitment process.
- Been deceived about the nature of the job role, hours and pay.
- Worked excessively long hours.
- Received little or no pay.
- Paid less than hours worked.
- Been deducted money from pay for, for example, fees or accommodation not provided by the employer.
- Been told money is owed to the employer.
- Had to work without the correct equipment or training.
- Felt trapped and unable to leave the job.
- Been forced to work through fear, threats of repercussions, (for example, loss of work, loss of job, reported to authorities)
- Been subjected to physical, verbal, or psychological abuse from employer.
- Been controlled (for example, no freedom of choice, being told what to say)
- Been asked to hand over, or not been in possession of own identity documents, including passport, visas, biometric residence permits (BRPs).
- Only allowed to stay in accommodation provided by employer (cannot choose where to live)
- Lived in overcrowded accommodation.
- Had to share a room with someone previously not known, and had no choice who to share with
- Been made to distrust authorities in the UK.