In order to prevent pollution, industrial processes that use or emit certain substances are controlled under the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010. (The EP Regs) The industrial activities covered by the EP Regulations are very wide ranging and are split into three categories depending on their size Part A1, Part A2 or Part B installations:
Part A1 installations:
These include the larger industries such as power stations and chemical plants. A1 installations are regulated by the Environment Agency who control emissions of pollutants to air, land and water. Information about A(1) installations in your in the Sandwell area can be found at Environment Agency - Home of Public Registers website.
If your business poses a high risk to the environment, you must have apply for a permit from the Environment Agency. Enquiries in relation to applications for Part A1 installations should be directed to the Environment Agency via their national call centre tel. 08708 506 506 or for incidents arising at these premises 0800 807060 (Freephone, 24 hour service)
Part A2 Installations:
These include medium sized industries such as brick manufacturers and galvanisers. Part A(2) installations are regulated by the local authority. The A2 system is Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (LA-IPPC).
A1 and A2 industries have pollution controls to protect the environment from emissions to air, water (including discharges to sewer) and land including any other activities that may have an environmental impact hence the term 'integrated pollution prevention and control'.
Part B Installations:
These include smaller installations ranging from dry cleaners and petrol stations to roadstone coating plants and crematoria that are regulated by the local authority. These industries are considered unlikely to cause pollution to land or water and are only regulated for emissions to air.
The Part B system is known as Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control (LAPPC). Full details of the part B industries in your area can be found via the Sandwell Public Register.
Mobile installations: Part A(2) and B mobile units such as stone crushers are regulated by the local authority where their head office or principle place of business is located. Operators of these units are required to inform the regulating authority of their location. As before Part A(1) mobile units are regulated by the Environment Agency.
It is the Operator's responsibility to determine whether the Regulations apply to their activity, and, if so, whether it is a Part A1, A2 or Part B activity. Operators should satisfy themselves that they comply with the law.
For more information on the types of processes regulated by Sandwell MBC see the Public Register.
A map showing the location of permit processes can be viewed via the Map of Processes external link.