Why choose Victorian living history for KS1?

Living history is the past that children can see, touch, taste and smell. They can immerse themselves completely in the past and really experience life long ago. They can learn much more in just a few hours than weeks of reading books and text. Living history can inspire and motivate, as well as opening up opportunities in cross curricular activities in drama, citizenship, English, speaking and listening art and much more.

Living History involves a very different way of learning to traditional classroom based activities involving touching and seeing items and objects from the past and learning through 'hands on' as well as 'minds on' activities. Many teachers find that even children which find traditional learning difficult respond to museum activities.

Links to the National Curriculum

KS1 - looking at the past by recognising similarities and differences between then past and now. The sessions focus on two themes - Houses and Homes and Victorian toys.

Print off a KS1 time travelling booking form and guidance notes. You can call us to check availability - 01384 569 444. Why not try one of our Victorian loan collections?

  • Victorian handling collection.
  • Victorian laundry.
  • 19th century industrial photographs.

£130 for up to 32 children (we can accommodate up to 40 but you must inform the house if this is the case when booking).

What the teachers think

'The children felt it concluded their Victorian topic in a memorable way, because they had been given the opportunity to 'become' Victorians for the day and experience the roles/ activities they had learned about in the classroom in a realistic way...The costumes were an important part of the role play and the children enjoyed wearing them. Thank you again and I will certainly be recommending you to others!' Dudley Wood school

'This was an excellent visit and we will definitely be including it in our Victorian topic each year. The standard of the costume, scenario and role-play was superb and the pupils were completely immersed in the role. Thank you very much' St Huberts school

'Museum staff were very much in role and the children loved having Victorian names and the costumes were really good. Their behaviour improved when in role too!' - Hatherton Primary

' The children enjoyed the day, it was well organised and helped them understand Victorian life' - Old Hill Primary

'Absolutely brilliant day!! The children were so excited and learned so much - many of the children said they felt like 'real' Victorian children' - Devonshire School

'The standard of costumes are first class. I was amazed how the children took their roles so seriously, down to the way the staff took their roles. This is a visit I will recommend without a doubt to any school' - Devonshire

'We have had a lovely day. The children and staff have loved it. Thank you for having us' - Pool Hayes Primary

'We have all enjoyed the day - it will give us lots of memories to stimulate us when we are back at school. Thanks for a great day!' Harvills Hawthorne