A taste of homes in the past

Bring your KS1 class to Haden Hill House for a morning learning about homes long ago. The children will undertake three activities including taking a tour of the house led by museum staff, learning about housework in the housekeeper's room and looking at household objects in the past and modern objects and comparing the two.

This is a half day session but if you would like to visit all day you are welcome to stay and undertake your own activities, such as drawing the house (we do not allow metal clip clipboards in the house as it damages furniture), re-tracing your steps around the house and looking out for clues about life in the past, enjoying the William Morris wall paper etc its up to you! Just let the house know of your intentions.

Don't forget our 'Time Travelling' full day session in costume, scroll up the page to find out more. Call the house for a booking form and guidance notes for a taste of homes long ago on 01384 569 444.

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