Why choose Victorian living history?

Living history is the past that children can see, touch, taste, hear, smell and experience. They can immerse themselves completely in the past and have a 360 degrees experience. They can learn much more in just a few hours than weeks of reading books and text.

Living history can inspire and motivate, as well as opening up opportunities in cross curricular activities in drama, citizenship, English, speaking and listening art and much more. Living History involves a very different way of learning to traditional classroom based activities involving touching and seeing items and objects from the past and learning through 'hands on' as well as 'minds on' activities.

Many teachers find that even children which find traditional learning difficult respond to museum activities.

Living history is surely the best way of learning about the past.

Links to the National Curriculum

The lives of Victorian children from different social backgrounds.

For more details, please call - 01384 569 444.

Cost: KS2 £140 for up to 34 children as of 1st April 2009. (We do not make a profit on our Living History programme, all funds cover specialist staffing costs, materials, costumes etc)

Print off a Booking form for our KS2 Living History but please ring the house to check availability.

Why not try one of our Victorian loan collections?

  • Victorian handling collection.
  • Victorian laundry.