Historic Buildings and Structures

Listed buildings 

There are over 200 buildings and structures in Sandwell which are protected by the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. They are referred to as 'listed buildings'. 

You can search for listed buildings on the Historic England website.

Locally listed buildings

Locally listed buildings are recognised by the council as having special architectural or historic interest and are valued by the local community.

Sandwell has a 'local list' of such buildings that you can view and download here.

Heritage at risk

Historic England monitors the condition of Grade I, Grade II* listed buildings and scheduled monuments and produces a register of those buildings that they consider to be at risk.

You can search for Heritage at Risk on the Historic England website

Statue of Tipton Slasher

A locally listed building: The Tipton Slasher statue, Coronation Gardens, Tipton.