Information for Passengers, Parents and Carers

We hope that you and/or your child/foster child have a positive experience when using the home-to-school transport service, and encourage you to offer feedback, suggestions and thoughts at all opportunities. By working together, we can ensure that everybody has access to the best service possible.

Every passenger, parent/carer, member of transport staff and journey matters to TAS - as such, we actively encourage an open dialogue to ensure we can continue to offer a positive, safe and reliable service to everybody we work with.

We provide every passenger and parent/carer with the TAS passenger, parent/carer guide.

The Travel Assistance Process - How Travel Arrangements Are Made

Process for passengers with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND):

Schools complete the travel assistance request form with parents/carers. This form is then processed by the SEN service to establish eligibility for travel assistance and the method of travel assistance to be provided.

SEN then send you/parents/carers a Passenger Information Form to complete. The information on this form is used to procure transport to ensure that the passenger’s specific needs are catered for. It is important that as much information as possible is provided to enable successful and safe arrangements to be put in place . There will be a delay in setting up transport for you, your child/foster child if we do not receive this form.

If you/your child/foster child has specific identified medical conditions such as Epilepsy, Type 1 Diabetes or are required to travel with oxygen, TAS will require further information to complete an Individual risk assessment.

The passenger, parents/carers, schools/centres and social workers must ensure that the passenger’s information is kept up to date with SEN, TAS and the transport staff, i.e. height and weight (for car seats etc), equipment requirements (e.g. harness), medical needs, medication and behaviour. This enables TAS to ensure that the transport arrangements are as safe as they can be for all parties, that they are compliant with legislation and continue to meet the passenger’s needs.

Transport will only be provided to and from the home address and school/centre address stated on the travel assistance request form. No alternative address can be used.

TAS use a Framework to procure transport, allowing transport providers who have met comprehensive assessment criteria to quote for transport work.

TAS have robust systems in place to set up and manage transport contracts throughout their duration. Starting from the offer of the meet and greet (between passengers, parents/carers and transport staff), through to dealing with any day to day operational issues that may arise.

Where possible, an introductory ‘meet and greet’ will take place between the new transport staff, passenger and family before the start of transport. In instances where there is a quick turnaround of transport arrangements this may not always be possible.

We have enhanced safeguarding standards: All drivers and passenger assistants will have enhanced criminal record background checks (DBS) to enable them to work with children, young people and adults. Following the introduction of our new capability tests, transport staff from 2019 will have demonstrated proficiency in both verbal and written English and passed courses in Passenger Assistant Training (PATS), Level 1 Safeguarding, Child Protection and Child Sexual Exploitation awareness training.  Transport staff will then be issued a TAS identification badge which is renewable annually.

Working in partnership with our Transport providers our priority is to ensure that all passenger journeys are the shortest and within 50 minutes each way.

All routes are checked by TAS to ensure that the journey is compliant within 50 minutes (including any extra time that may be required for specific passengers to board/alight vehicles).

TAS will always ensure that all passengers arrive at their destination as soon as possible. In the unfortunate situation of a vehicle breakdown or a change of transport staff/vehicle, our priority will always be to ensure a replacement vehicle or staff are dispatched as soon as possible and parents/carers are kept informed using our texting service.  The school/centre will be informed following this if required.

On occasion and at short notice, transport staff on vehicles may change, wherever possible you will be informed as soon as TAS has been made aware. This can be for a variety of reasons such as illness, training or leaving the company etc. We advise transport providers to give TAS, passengers, parents and carers as much notice as possible but accept that in all situations this is not always possible. All replacement transport staff whether temporary or permanent will have been through the TAS badging process and are therefore authorised to work on Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC) transport contracts.

While the transport service can generally guarantee a reliable and punctual service, unpredictable factors such as passenger lateness/illness, adverse weather, roadworks, heavy traffic, vehicle breakdown or other unforeseen situations may result in occasions where vehicles arrive later than scheduled. In these circumstances we ask for your patience and understanding, and if you are concerned we advise you contact TAS for more information.

Unfortunately, specific pick up/drop off times of passengers cannot be arranged to meet personal circumstances. This is due to a route for an individual or group of passengers being put together to ensure the shortest amount of time on a vehicle.

Transport arrangements, such as pickup/drop off times may change when other passengers join or leave the route or if school/centre opening hours change.

On occasion, the transport provider may need to change – you will be informed as soon as possible if this happens.

Essential Information

All Passengers information must be kept up to date and must be reviewed annually. All Passengers and Parents/Carers will be contacted at the end of each academic year to ensure that the information TAS hold is accurate and up to date.

You must ensure you/your child/foster child is ready from approximately 7.45am (unless expressly confirmed in writing by TAS). If passengers are not ready to leave when the vehicle arrives, the vehicle will unfortunately have to continue with its route to ensure that other passengers arrive at their destination on time. A calling card will be left at your property. It will then be your/parent/carer’s responsibility to ensure that you/their child/their foster child is taken to school/centre and to contact TAS to request a return journey.

You may be charged for any costs incurred relating to waiting times should the transport arrive and there is not a responsible adult home to receive your child/foster child or the passenger is unable to enter your home/building when being dropped off if they are a key holder and transport are required to wait with the passenger. TAS reserves the right to suspend transport and it will only be reinstated once confirmation is received from the parent/carer that there are sufficient arrangements in place.

Parents/Carers must take passengers to the vehicle: This is not the Driver/Passenger Assistant’s responsibility. Transport staff will assist the passenger onto the vehicle, ensuring that they have their seatbelt on and any relevant safety equipment is in place. Drivers/Passengers Assistants do not sound their horn when they arrive. If no-one leaves the house the transport staff will contact TAS to inform the office and leave a ‘calling card’ through your door which confirms that they attempted to collect the passenger that day. The vehicle will have to then continue as passengers on board and those due to be collected will still need to arrive on time at their destination.

Parents/Carers must collect passengers from the vehicle: Transport staff will assist the passenger from the vehicle. If a responsible adult is not at home to receive your child/foster child, TAS have an Abandoned passenger policy which they will use in this event. TAS reserves the right to suspend transport and it will only be reinstated once confirmation is received from the parent/carer that a responsible adult will be at home.

If you would like your child/foster child to have a house key to let themselves into your home/building, TAS will require written authorisation from you detailing this arrangement. This authorisation will be passed on to the transport provider and noted on TAS records.

Make sure you/your child/foster child understands the standard of behaviour which is expected when they are travelling to and from school/centre. Any inappropriate language and abusive, threatening or sexualised behaviour towards Transport providers, Drivers, Passenger Assistants, other passengers or TAS will not be tolerated. Any such behaviour or inappropriate language may jeopardise your/your child/foster child’s transport provision.

Parents/Carers/You must inform TAS of any change in contact details (mobile numbers, email address and emergency phone numbers). This ensures that TAS can keep you informed of any changes, delays, breakdowns etc that affect you/your child/foster child.

Parents/Carers/You are to inform TAS of any changes in health, medical condition (e.g. Epilepsy, increased frequency of seizures, diabetes), wellbeing or behaviour which may impact on that passenger’s wellbeing on transport or that of other passengers/transport staff. Whilst helpful to report these matters direct to transport staff, transport providers or school/centre, these must be logged by TAS in the first instance.

Transport staff are not able to administer medication. In any medical emergency whilst on transport, staff will call 999 for emergency assistance.

How can you help us to ensure transport runs smoothly?

For the transport service to run effectively, your support is essential. You can help us by being aware of the following information:

  • As parents/carers you know your child/foster child best. Parents/Carers and schools/centres should offer advice and training for transport staff, where required, enabling them to successfully meet specific passenger needs e.g. calming strategies, use of communication/visual aids etc.
  • The school/centre, where possible, can provide resources/materials e.g. PECS, picture cards, visual aids, etc. for identified passengers to aid transition on and off transport and for use on the journey for communication between passengers and transport staff. Parents/Carers can assist by using these with the passenger to prepare them for transition to transport.
  • If you/your child/foster child is transported in a wheelchair, any changes to the wheelchair must be reported to TAS. Changes can include new wheelchairs, modifications, etc. Transport providers have been advised not to transport you/your child/foster child if changes have been made and TAS has not been notified, this is due to health and safety reasons. Passengers will not be allowed to travel in a wheelchair where there are faults; these will include faulty brakes, deflated tyres, faulty or missing foot plates etc.
  • If you/your child/foster child is taken ill or needs collecting during school/centre hours, it will be your responsibility to arrange your/their collection. Transport will not be provided by TAS in this instance.
  • You/Parents/Carers are to inform TAS if the passenger has been suspended/excluded from school/centre resulting in transport not being required or if the passenger does not require transport for any period of time. You should not contact the Transport provider/Driver/Passenger Assistant directly. TAS log all calls on the transport log this ensures that SMBC is not paying for unnecessary journeys.
  • You/Parents/Carers are to inform TAS immediately if there are any concerns regarding transport (including safeguarding, vehicles, equipment, transport staff or other passengers) and report any transport related incident(s) as they occur. This also includes if transport has arrived early or if there is a late drop off or collection of passengers.
  • Parents/Carers are to inform TAS if they will be taking/have taken their child/foster child into school/centre themselves (e.g. following a medical appointment in the morning) where a return journey on transport will be required. Parents/carers and adults should not contact the Transport provider/Driver/Passenger Assistant directly. TAS log all calls on the transport log.
  • You/Parents/Carers are to inform TAS of any journey cancellations due to illness, medical appointments etc. You should not contact the Transport provider/Driver/Passenger Assistant directly. TAS log all calls on the transport log this ensures that SMBC is only paying for journeys that are necessary.
  • The Transfer Record for passenger’s personal items (TR4) is to be completed between you, parent/carer, transport staff and school/centre when required. This could be used for things such as letters, medication, dinner/trip money etc that specifically needs to be handed over to a responsible adult and signed for. This is a signed record and should accurately document the transfer of items. When passing on items for safe transit, these must be in a sealed envelope and clearly marked with your/your child/foster child’s name and any instruction. Medicines/money MUST NOT be placed in your/your child/foster child’s bag for them to take to school/college/centre. Any personal items taken on transport are done so at the your/parent/carers risk and the transport provider will not be responsible for any loss or damage that occurs during the journey.
  • All school/college/centre bags must be clearly visible with your/your child/foster child’s name displayed. This includes any clothing which can/may be removed during the journey, including coats, jumpers, cardigans, etc. Unfortunately, TAS cannot guarantee that luggage can be transported with you/your child/foster child on their vehicle if there is insufficient room or method to safely secure the item(s).
  • Parents/Carers/You must inform SEN of a change of home address for the passenger as this may affect their eligibility for travel assistance. TAS then action any changes when authorised by SEN.

TAS staff and transport staff are here to help and have the right to work without fear of abusive or aggressive behaviour. Personal, abusive and aggressive comments or gestures towards TAS or transport staff will not be tolerated.

We make contacting TAS as easy as possible. Our office hours are Mon-Fri 7.30am – 5.00pm term time and Mon-Fri 8.00am – 4.00pm non-term time:

Email the Travel assistance team

0121 569 4888