TAS Passenger's Behaviour Expectations

TAS Passenger Code of Conduct

Whilst it is accepted that passengers with SEN may present with behaviours due to those needs, passengers and transport staff are entitled to expect a safe and stress-free journey to and from school.

We have created the passenger code of conduct in co-production with out passengers. Our aim is to ensure every one of our passengers gets the chance to take ownership of their actions and understand our expectations of their behaviour.

You must read through the code of conduct so that you know the standard of behaviour and cooperation expected of you. It is important everybody works together to ensure that each journey can be a great experience for everybody who is travelling.

  1. Always be ready for transport on time
  2. Respect the driver, Passenger Assistant and other passengers
  3. Remain seated and always wear your seatbelt or harness in the vehicle
  4. Respect the vehicle you travel in
  5. Always behave in a way that causes no danger or distress to other passengers or staff on the vehicle
  6. Violent, abusive, bullying or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated
  7. Follow instructions from the Driver and Passenger Assistant or other official - especially in an emergency
  8. Never get off the vehicle before you reach your destination
  9. Do not eat or drink in the vehicle
  10. You must not smoke or use and electronic cigarette (vape) in or around any vehicle

Most passengers using the Travel Assistance Service transport will do so responsibly and safely. However, the following behaviour is not acceptable. If this behaviour occurs, you, parents/carers and schools/centres will be contacted by TAS and appropriate action will be taken:

1. Nuisance or offensive behaviour: irritating and unpleasant behaviour which, whilst not necessarily a threat to safety, may significantly impact the comfort of others. This includes failing to respond to the instructions from the transport staff, eating or drinking on the vehicle, smoking, spitting, swearing, using bad/ abusive/inappropriate/offensive/racist/disrespectful/name calling/bullying language or gestures.

2. Dangerous behaviour: behaviour which may present some potential or actual threat to the physical safety of the individual, passengers or transport staff. This includes harassing or verbally abusing others during the journey, bullying and moving from the seat.

3. Destructive or very dangerous behaviour: which causes or has the potential to cause physical injury to others and damage to the vehicle. This includes threatening physical violence or fighting, leaning out of the window or door/throwing things from the vehicle whilst the vehicle is moving, interfering with the opening or the windows or door, causing graffiti or damaging seats/seatbelts or other equipment.

4. Extremely dangerous or life-threatening behaviour: which is likely to cause serious injury to others. This includes physical assault on others, lighting fires, threatening physical violence with a dangerous weapon, interfering with the vehicle controls, interfering with passengers/transport staff seatbelts, harnesses and wheelchair clamps, personal belongings, medical equipment or throw objects around the vehicle

If the Code of Conduct is breached, TAS reserves the right to stop providing transport, either on a temporary or permanent basis (subject to investigation and at the discretion of TAS/SEN).

If you/your child/foster child’s transport is stopped it will become your responsibility to transport yourself/your child/foster child to and from school/centre at your own expense.

Should any damage to the vehicle be caused by you/your child/foster child, you may be held responsible for any costs incurred in repairing or cleaning of the vehicle.

TAS operate a transport behaviour contract, where this is deemed necessary, individual arrangements will be put in place.

We make contacting TAS as easy as possible. Our office hours are Mon-Fri 7.30am – 5.00pm term time and Mon-Fri 8.00am – 4.00pm non-term time:

Email the Travel assistance team

0121 569 4888