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AWC - Frequently Asked Questions
Bins and recycling
AWC - Frequently Asked Questions
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Why are changes being made?
You are here:
When will the changes be introduced?
Will my bin collection day change?
Will I get more containers to use?
Will every property be given a recycling bag for cardboard and paper?
Can I have additional recycling bags for my paper and cardboard?
What if I have large pieces of cardboard that don’t fit in the bag?
What if I put cardboard in my blue-lid recycling bin like I did before?
What if it is windy, will my recycling bag blow away?
I’m worried I won’t have enough space in my bins.
I really want to reduce the amount of waste I make but I’m not sure how to go about it?
I have additional waste because of medical needs, can I get help?
I have an assisted collection, will this change?
What if my bin is missed on collection day?
Do I need to rinse my bottles, cans, jars before I put in the recycling blue-lid bin?
How do I register for the food waste service?
Will I get a reduction in my Council Tax?
How will you keep us informed about the changes?
Are there any other options for waste disposal in Sandwell?
When will the changes be introduced?
We are planning to introduce the changes from 15 September 2025.
Why are changes being made?
Will my bin collection day change?