Bromwich Hall - West Bromwich Manor House
Winter and early spring - West Bromwich Manor House Museum
More information. Find out about visiting and opening hours
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Creative Memories with Age UK: Every Wednesday 11am – 2pm, starting February 5. Join Age UK for their creative sessions for people living with dementia and their carers. Activities include painting, drawing, collage-making and more, all tailored to suit different abilities. Refreshments will be available.
Wellbeing Week: Monday 17 February, 11am – 3pm. Join British Cycling on a free guided bike ride around the local area, rides starting at 11am and 12:30pm. Bring your own bikes, helmets are recommended. Explore the house with trails. Spend some time with family and friends trying different crafts. All ages welcome to bike rides and crafts. Tea room open. Small charges for crafts apply, just drop in – no need to book.
Wellbeing Week: Tuesday 18 February, 11am – 2pm. Explore the house with trails. Spend time with family and friends trying different crafts. All ages welcome. Tea room open. Small charges for crafts apply, just drop in – no need to book.
Family Yoga with Bryony Morris: Tuesday 18 February, 2pm. Dust away the winter cobwebs and join Bryony Morris for a fun family yoga session. Tickets cost £3 for over 16s and £2 for under 16s. Family ticket available. Booking at All ages welcome.
Date for the diary...
Medieval Mayhem - Enjoy our annual medieval encampment at Bromwich Hall on 13th and 14th September, See knights and ladies and see weapons demonstrations, music and dance, costumed characters learn about medicine, play medieval games, have a go at archery and join i with kight school, crafts and trails. Entry Free